The Best Coffee Advent Calendar of 2024
Looking for an a speciality coffee advent calendar to start your Christmas countdown? Look no further. The Contact Coffee Christmas Advent Calendar is arguably the best coffee advent calendar this year. It boasts some of the best coffee's from around the world, all individually packaged, to enjoy a great coffee every morning.
This calendar was specially designed to sit on a coffee lovers kitchen side, with an access window at the bottom, to quickly pull out your coffee one day at a time.
Ground Coffee Advent Calendar
Each coffee is meticulously packed in a sachet, specially designed to lock in the maximum freshness. Inside each sachet, you'll find 18g of perfectly ground filter coffee, enough to satisfy even the most discerning coffee enthusiast with a generous and single serving.
No matter how you make your morning brew, our coffees are expertly ground (omni-grind) to suit the following brewing methods:
espresso machines.
Voted as one of the best coffee advent calendars
We have been publicised and voted as one of the best coffee advent calendars this year. Each box contains 25 sachets of coffee, varying between 13 different coffee blends, so that you can try each coffee twice!
Please do not read below if you want to keep the coffee a secret!
Coffee blends included within the coffee advent calendar are:
Brazil Yellow Bourbon - Nutty, bright and juicy
Colombia Huila - Sweet toffee apple
Colombia Narino - Floral ginger and raspberry
Guatemala SHG - Milk chocolate, red fruit and nut
Costa Rica - Hint of citrus fruit and soft nut
Ethiopia Yirgacheffe - Light and perfumed, cherry and bergamot
Kenya AA - Citric and sweet pink grapefruit
Rwanda - Floral, herb tea and lemon
Uganda Robusta - Stout full bodied, stewed fruit
Sumatra - Bold, juicy bell pepper and spice
Papua New Guinea - Juicy with fruity and winey acidity,
Nicaragua Pacamara - Medium body, mild spice and dark chocolate
Jingle Blend - Deep chocolate, with hints of roasted nut and Christmas spices. Our sought after Christmas blend.